2022 Wiltshire Bee and Honey Day Recap

Eden was pleased to sponsor the Wiltshire Bee and Honey Day for the second year running and it proved every bit as successful as last year’s great event!

Eden’s ecologist, Dr Guy Parker of Wychwood Biodiversity, gave a fascinating talk on the Future of the Bumblebee in the British Countryside. Watch the recording for advice about how you can help protect this important species.

Tracy and Sharyn from Earth Energy Education were busy all day helping children to make paper insects and flowers to take home or display on our solar farm mock up. The kids also enjoyed testing out some solar-powered toys. They had lots of fun, while learning an important lesson about how solar farms are great for wildlife as well as generating renewable energy.

We gave out lots of samples of our 2022 solar honey and bee-friendly wildflower seeds, alongside delicious honey biscuits made by Raw Mellifera who are hoping to keep an apiary at our Forest Gate solar farm.

Organised brilliantly by the Wiltshire Beekeepers Association, the high point of the event is the annual Honey Show which is seriously competitive!
