Green Lane Solar Farm
Join our online webinar on 12 March 2025 at 6.00 pm for more information, to meet the team and ask questions. Click here to register. If you are unable to attend at this time, the webinar will be recorded and uploaded to the website.
The proposed Green Lane solar farm is located in North Yorkshire, 2km west of Hessay and immediately south of the York-Knaresborough railway line. Please see site location map to the right. Click on the map to enlarge it.
Installed capacity: 49.9 MWac
Electricity generated equivalent to the consumption of approximately 16,300 average homes
Approximately 15,000 tonnes CO2 saved each year
Battery storage so energy can be used when it is most needed
Bifacial, fixed solar panels to maximise energy generation
Grid connection secured at Poppleton substation
Access from Marston Lane
Construction expected to take c.9 months
Construction Traffic Management Plan will be implemented to minimise disruption
Time-limited development – at the end of the project’s 40-year life all infrastructure will be removed and the land restored
Maximum solar panel height of 2.4m to allow for sheep grazing underneath.
Please see site layout plan below
Continued agricultural use with sheep grazing
Agricultural Land Classification survey shows that the site is all undifferentiated Grade 3
Substantial Biodiversity Net Gain with an appropriate native grass and wildflower mix sown around the panels
Existing hedgerows and topography provide effective screening
New hedgerows and trees will be added for more screening and biodiversity
All public rights of way will be retained
Total site area 211 acres / 86 hectares
Panels cover 30% of the total site area, but less than 5% is disturbed by the actual footprint.
Green Lane solar farm layout and planting plan. Click to enlarge.
community benefits
Community Benefit Fund managed locally of £25,000 per year, index-linked, for the project lifetime.
Separate Education Fund £3,000 a year, index-linked, to fund educational sessions and site visits to the solar farm with local schools. Read more.
The project is expected to generate over £1 million in local benefits for the 40-year lifetime of the solar farm.
Solar is a cornerstone of the UK’s drive for energy security and lower energy bills. By harnessing a free and abundant local energy source, utility-scale solar farms reduce our reliance on imported fossil fuels, mitigating the risks of global price volatility and supply chain disruptions particularly from hostile regimes.
Large-scale solar is now the cheapest form of new electricity generation in the UK, along with wind power.
Generating energy from fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to climate change, both globally and in the UK. The UK Government’s Clean Power 2030 Action Plan sets out a target to fully decarbonise our energy supplies by 2030, and while we are making good progress - during 2024 over half of UK electricity generation was zero carbon - there is still much work to do.
Eden Renewables has secured a local connection to the electricity grid
The landscape is suitable for a solar farm as the topography and existing vegetation will help screen the project
Avoids Green Belt
There are no landscape designations or constraints such as National Landscape or Sites of Special Scientific Interest
There are good levels of solar irradiation (sunlight) in this part of the country.
We have been working on a number of detailed technical reports which will be submitted with the planning application. They include:
EIA Environmental Statement informed by:
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
Full Ecological Assessment
Heritage Desk-Based Assessment
Detailed Site Layout and Planting Plan
Planning Design & Access Statement
Construction Traffic Management Plan
Agricultural Land Classification Report
Access Arrangement Drawings
Arboricultural Report
Biodiversity Net Gain Strategy and Management Plan
Flood Risk Assessment
Glint & Glare Assessment
Noise Assessment
have your say
We welcome your feedback on our proposals before we submit our planning application.
Please click below to access the online feedback form. Consultation deadline: 21 March 2025
If you would prefer to get a copy of the feedback form by post please email or call 07979 368238.
Click below to register for our consultation webinar on 12 March at 6:00 PM.
If you would prefer to receive our information by post, or have any other questions or concerns, please get in touch with us at or by phone at 07979 368238.