Red Barn Solar Farm
We have submitted a planning application for a solar farm on land east of Kington St. Michael, south of the M4 and adjacent to the A350.
The planning application can be viewed on the Wiltshire Council planning portal, reference PL/2023/08481.
Capacity: 40MWac.
Electricity generation equivalent to consumption of approximately 15,000 Wiltshire homes.
CO2 savings approximately 13,700 tonnes annually (compared with gas generation).
Fixed tilt, bifacial solar panels.
Lower height panels closer to Kington St. Michael.
New hedgerows will be planted and existing hedgerows infilled to provide effective screening from Kington St. Michael.
Continued agricultural use with sheep grazing and substantial biodiversity improvements.
Agricultural Land Classification survey shows that 74% of solar panel area is Grade 4 land (poor quality), with 26% Grade 3b (moderate quality).
Biodiversity Net Gain 54% habitats, 22% hedgerows, 39% watercourses.
Access via the A350 and Kington Farm, with 3 different access points, no construction traffic through the villages.
Additional access via Day’s Lane for maintenance vehicles only.
On site construction expected to take 7 - 8 months with average 7 deliveries / 14 HGV movements to or from the site per day (revised May 2024).
Peak delivery period lasts 2 - 3 weeks with approximately 15 deliveries / 30 daily HGV movements spread across 3 site access points (revised May 2024).
Community and educational benefit fund for local people of £24,000 per year, index-linked, for the 40-year project life.
Opportunity for shared ownership, with potential for savings on electricity bill via Ripple Energy.
Over 3 km new permissive footpaths and bridleways to create circular routes.
Permissive footpath parallel to stream to improve access.
New 47-acre community access and biodiversity area in centre of site with community orchard, new trees, woodland and traditional pasture, new wildflower meadow, grassland managed to encourage wildflowers, picnic benches.
County Wildlife Site actively managed as hay meadow to encourage wildflowers.
Area near Kington St. Michael provided for allotments and off-lead dog walking.
We have submitted new material to Wiltshire Council to address the responses received from statutory consultees and feedback from third parties. This can be viewed on Wiltshire Council’s planning portal, where you can also submit your comments to the council. The revised site design is shown above.
The key changes are:
We have chosen not to progress battery storage at this site
The removal of battery storage will result in a 12% reduction in construction traffic
The proposed footpath in the northwest of the site has been upgraded to a permissive bridleway
A new hedgerow has been added in the southernmost field to improve screening
Scrub planting has been moved west, out of the County Wildlife site to the adjacent public access area.The middle field east of the A350 has been separated into two halves to allow Wessex Water unrestricted access to a buried supply pipeline
During construction there will be a temporary 50 mph speed limit on the A350 near both site accesses
update: October 2023
Planning application has been submitted to Wiltshire Council.
UPDATE: September 2023
Following feedback from the public consultation in June we have made some minor changes to the project design. Please see the updated map.
The land designated for allotments has been moved further away from Kington St. Michael, while still remaining easily accessible for residents.
As a result the areas for the community orchard and off-lead dog walking have also been moved.
More footpaths have been added to further improve connectivity.
20 acres of new wildflower meadow will be created across the site.
Stiles will be replaced with kissing gates for easier accessibility.
New tree planting NW of community access area infilling woodland.
On 16 & 17 May 2023 we invited the local community to attend a collaborative workshop known as an Enquiry by Design, with our specialists, in Kington St. Michael, to hear their views for the site and to work together on a design for the solar farm that minimises visual impact and maximises benefits.
This was followed on 26 June 2023 by a public exhibition and consultation, in Kington St. Michael, to share the proposed detailed site design, inviting local residents to meet the team and provide further feedback.
We value your feedback, please feel free to contact us directly if you have any further questions or feedback. Let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive updates on the project.
email or call 07979 368238