Eden Education: Renewable Energy Around the World

This unit of work provides pupils with the opportunity to develop their knowledge about energy production around the world. Focusing on several key case studies children will begin to understand the key geographical features, which need to exist to be able to create energy. The main focus of the unit will be on a local energy project, which they will use to explore the issues involved in energy production.

Renewable energy around the world scheme of work: KS1


Year level: 1-2
Curriculum areas: Geography: Place Knowledge; Human and Physical Geography, Geographical Skills and fieldwork
Materials: Ordinance survey map of local area, internet access, clipboards, paper, pencils, cameras.

This unit is 11 sessions long. Students will learn to use Google Earth, physical maps and other tools to locate and navigate locally and globally. They will also use renewable energy sites to understand key geographical features, and learn about energy production.

Renewable energy around the world scheme of work: KS2

Year level: 3-6
Curriculum areas: Geography: Place Knowledge; Human and Physical Geography, Geographical Skills and fieldwork
Materials: Ordinance survey map of local area, internet access, clipboards, paper, pencils, cameras.

This unit is 11 sessions long. Students will learn to use Google Earth, physical maps and other tools to locate and navigate locally and globally. They will also use renewable energy sites to understand key geographical features, and learn about energy production.